Friday 7 February 2014

Beauty Blogger Questionnaire.

I was tagged in this questionnaire a long time ago, however I've only just got round to it...sorry!

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
My hair is naturally straight with a bit of a wave to it. When I was younger it was dead straight, however as I’m getting older it seems to be more wavy and all over the place.

2. What is your natural hair colour?
A medium mousy blonde colour, however it used to get a lot brighter during summer.

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
I have highlights put in at the hairdressers. She’s amazing at making it look very natural and not over the top blonde which is exactly how I like it.

4. Do you wear the same style every day or do you change it?
I tend to wear it the same way every day, I might have a bit more volume someday or decided to curl it however I’m rather lazy when it comes to my hair and just have it straight with a slight under curl to it.

5. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I used to have acrylic and then gel extentions, however it was costing me a bomb and my nails were getting really damaged in the process. Therefore I now do them myself, however I must be good at them because everyone always comments on how professional they look.

6. How often do you change your nail polish?
A lot. I tend to get bored of a colour quite easily, and if it chips I end up peeling the rest of them off and having to start from scratch. My nails are quite weak so polish tends to peel of them or chip easily.

7. Do you polish your toes in winter or just in the summer?
I hate seeing toes without polish on so mine are always painted!

8. How long does it take for you to put on your make-up?
It really depends what I’m doing and where I’m going. If I’m going to university or on placement I tend not to wear a lot of make up, so it usually takes me about 15-30 minutes. However, if I’m going somewhere special, a night out or shopping I tend to spend more time on it.

9. What do you do first, face or eyes?

10. Do you collect make-up or just buy what you need when you need it?
To be honest, I really try to just buy stuff when I need it, however sometimes its really hard to resist not buying things because their good or pretty.

11. How often do you wear false eyelashes?

12. Do you do a full face of make-up every day?
Hmm…it depends what you see as a full face of make up. I don’t wear foundation, I only wear a Dior BB cream, therefore I’m not really sure if that classes as a full face. However, I always wear my BB cream, mascara and blush.

13. Do you wear make-up when you are home alone or with family?
Depends if I’m going out at all that day. If I’m having a lazy day then I don’t bother, I used to however I’m starting to try and let my skin breath.

14. Will you leave the house without make-up?
Not a chance!

15. How many high-end products do you have?
Don’t even get me started…I don’t own many drug store products lets put it that way.

16. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you're getting dressed?
I decide when I'm getting dressed!

17. How often do you change your handbag?
I'm really picky when it comes to handbags, therefore I don’t change it that often.

18. What time do you get up and go to sleep?
It really changes depending what I’m doing that day. When I’m not a university or got any plans I don’t set an alarm and I just wake up when my body decides, which is usually between 9-10. However for university its usually 7/8 and 6 if I’m on placement.

19. Do you work out? How often?
I love working out. Unless I’m having a cba day then it’s like a chore to drag myself there. I try and go 3 times a week but sometimes I only get there 2 depending what I’m doing.

20. Left-handed or right-handed?
I write right handed, however my mums left handed therefore I tend to use both, mainly because everything in the house is set up for left handers.

21. How tall are you?

22. Do you speak a foreign language?

23. How many pets do you have?
I have a black Labrador, however I’m trying to torment my parents into buying me a bulldog…it’s not working out so well at the moment.

24. How often are you on Blogger?
Unfortunately not every day, sometimes my days really busy and I just don’t have time to write a post. I tend to do quite a few at once and then publish them individually every few days.

25. Do you read comments on blogs?
Yes!! I read and try to reply to every single comment on my blog.

26. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
I actually do. I have a wish list and a try list on my iPad, where I write down products I’ve seen others use or recommend.

27. How did you come up with your blog name?
Well…I sort of had two or three, however it was just the name that I thought was a little more girly and unusual.

28. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
My iPhone4s

29. How often do you clean your house?
Well…my mum does the cleaning, I swear she has OCD and nothing anyone else does is close enough to perfect for her, but when I’m home I try and help clean. My bedroom however I clean every other day, just because I don’t have time to do it everyday.

30. What is your favourite colour?

31. Do you swear?
I try not to, however sometimes it just comes out. I blame my mum because she swears like a trooper!

32. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
Some University work, watching Harry Potter and going to see my boyfriend later.


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