Monday 11 February 2013

Face Tanner Luxe.


Self-tanners are the safest way to achieve tanned looking skin, the area I always forget to tan whilst self tanning at home is my face! I tend to shy away from tanning my face for a couple of reasons, I find that self body tanners have a formula too heavy for my skin which causes break outs, that body tanners leave an uneven finish on my skin and cling to dry patches.
Xen Tan have created two Face-Tanners in addition to their huge range of body tanners and tanning accessories - Face Tanner and Face Tanner Luxe. Each Face Tanner compliments products from the Xen Tan range and gives you the option of having a light or deep finish. 
Xen Tan Face Tanner Luxe is packaged inside a small plastic tube with a squeeze-dispense formula. It has classic Xen-Tan branding and is the perfect size for at-home use and travelling.
Face Tanner Luxe is the deepest colour option the two face tanners on offer, it has a lightweight gel formula which appears slightly green on application but gradually rubs into a golden finish, providing an easy to follow colour guide showing you where you've already applied the formula. I apply it with my fingers or a mitt to my face then wash my hands thoroughly. The tan gradually changes and increases in colour over three to five hours - I tend to apply it at night as although at first it has a delicious vanilla caramel scent this descents into the dreaded DHA tanning scent.
Xen Tan Face Tanner Luxe is my choice of face tanner thanks to its speciality formula that makes it safe for use on the face. It feels very smooth on my skin upon application and doesn't cling to dry patches, nor does it increase the oiliness of my skin or cause any breakouts.
The finish is a wonderful olive-toned golden tan which lasts for around four or five days, it doesn't last as long as most of Xen-Tan products because I wash my face at least twice a day every day. Even so, the tan gradually fades and doesn't leave any patchiness or residue on my skin as it fades away. If you want to prolong your sunkissed skin simply apply another thin layer for a couple of hours every four or five days.

Another use I have found for the Xen Tan Face Tanners is to top up the tan on my hands, where I wash my hands at least and more than five times a day I find my hands fade a lot quicker than the rest of the tan on my body. To top them up with a natural looking golden finish to compliment the rest of my tan I apply a small amount of the Face Tanner in a similar fashion as I would to hand cream before I sleep.

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