Friday 23 August 2013

Know Your True Colours.

The easiest way to make your eyes stand out is to use complementary shades of eye shadow that work best with your specific colour. It may come as a surprise, but you should not wear the exact same colour eye shadow as your eye colour, for example; bight blue eyes and a bright blue eyeshadow.

Here are some general guidelines:
For brown eyes, try pale greens or blues. This helps bring out the warm tones in your brown eyes and makes them appear richer. Use darker jewel tones, like dark plum, for a smoky and sultry look.
- Brown, beige, tan 

(make sure non of these brown colours are the same exact colour to your eyes)
- Gray, charcoal 

- Khaki, olive green, mocha 

- Bronze, gold 

- Violet, lavender, blue

For green eyes, use pink tones and reddish-berry shades for daytime wear and shimmering bronze and ruby shades for evening. The contrast of the reddish shades against the green of the eyes will make the colour of your eyes sparkle.
- Gold, bronze, copper 

- Brown, chocolate, mustard yellow 

- Peach, beige, champagne, taupe, apricot 

- Plum, mauve, purple, violet, pink
Deep and mossy green shades 
(make sure non of theses green colours are the same exact colour to your eyes)

For blue eyes, try peach and orange shades for daytime wear and copper tones and burnt orange shades for evening shimmer. These complementary shades will make the blue of your eyes radiant.
- Pink, rose, violet, lavender 

- Gray, silver, copper 

- Dark blue, light blue, turquoise 
(make sure non of these blue colours are the same exact colour to your eyes)
Charcoal, black, brown

TIP: Everyone's eye colour is different; a good idea is to shop where you can try out a few different shades of colours in the same families, allowing you to find the perfect match for you.

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