However...when we got back to the car, a Millies cookie in tow, my boyfriend decided after decided that he wasn't hungry and didn't want a cookie, that now he did, so disowning me in the car he went skipping (yes he skipped) back to get a cookie (men these days!). Now...I not a genus, but he was gone for a VERY long time (probably about 10 minutes, but when your sat in a car on your own the time begins to drag) and not only had I looked through all my favourite blogs and made a list of "must research later" products I began to get bored and after a mass amount of texts asking how long it took him to choose a cookie he re-appeard, with a giant grin on his face and would you believe a DISNEY BOX! You can only imagine my childish excitement. Not only had he bought me the Thumper teddy, but also the Wonder fragrance which is in a hefty 125ml bottle, which is what makes Thumper smell so incredible. The description on the box says; a delicate scent of lemon sugar, apple blossoms and marshmallow clouds...and let me tell you...its amazing, its not something I would wear, as it states its a 'linen spray' however I would definitely spray all my bedding with it to make it smell lovely. If you haven't tried it and want something a little different, i would definitely say to go in and try it.
Once again the boyfriends made me a happy bunny (literally)!!
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