After having a somewhat uneventful day at work, I thought I really needed some cheering up. Therefore I turned to Lush to make me happy. From the photo bellow you can see I bought quite a few bath bombs, however some of these are repurchases, and in this post I will tell you why.
Phoenix Rising (repurchase) -
This smells incredible! The smell was the first thing which drew me to this bath bomb, that and the fact the sales assistant said the bath goes totally purple when you use it...that pretty much had me heading to the till straight away. The website describes this bath bomb by stating; "Rise refreshed and renewed from a bath of mythical proportions. All the myth and magic of phoenix, pressed into one bath time experience, which lets you arise at the end feeling refreshed and ready for the next 500 years. Your phoenix will sink to the bottom then rise in triumph, her mythical sparkling purple and green plumage unfurling through your bath water". This doesn't have any surprises up its sleeve, it just basically smells incredible, helping you to relax and unwind. Allowing you to float away in a big bath of purple water which is just fun.
Golden Wonder (repurchase) -
At first this looked like a little too much glitter for my liking, however after smelling it and a little help from the sales assistant and I was happily walking away with this little unknown beauty in tow. The website states; "This ballistic is like a pass the parcel gift - each layer has something different to offer. This is not for a quick bath because it takes its time, this ballistic, its wonders to unfold. First take some time to shake it, listen to the little rattle from within and try to imagine what's in there. Then drop it in the water and gaze in wonderment as gold turns to yellow, turns to blue and spits out soluble stars along the way." This is amazing, it has loads of different colours within it, eventually making your water really, really blue (photo to the right). Not only is it blue, but it also has lots of golden glitter and stars which makes bath time more fun.
Party Popper (repurchase) -
"This fruity, fizzy party piece is a movable feast of delights. Contains everything you need for a celebration in your own bathtub. Drop a Party Popper cone in your bath and watch it spin into action, as it goes on a spree across your bath spreading colours, fragrance, popping candy and soap confetti. Softening your bathwater, fragrancing your skin and washing you clean." This sounds AMAZING, and trust me, it is more then amazing. The popping candy is incredible as is the soap confetti which is just fun. The water turns a really pretty shade of purple/pink, with a few little bubbles but nothing in comparison to that of a bubble bar. Fragrance wise is seriously amazing, its so fruity and fresh and just really cheers you up.
Dragon's Egg -
I've never tried this bath bomb before, however its a best seller on the Lush website, and a quick read of the description shows me why. It states; "run yourself the perfect temperature bath and get in. Take a moment to let go of the world outside your bathroom before launching your ballistic into the water and watching it fizz away. Like an everlasting gobstopper, this ballistic keeps on revealing layer upon layer of surprises. It gives up its gifts in an unfolding drama, leaving you in a bath of molten gold. Along the way you will experience a firework display of colour, a fiery crackle of popping candy, a swirling landscape of creamy foam and a drift of paper dragon scales". I have to sat whoever comes up with these descriptions seriously needs a pay rise as there just amazing!
Space Girl -
For my best-friend's birthday I bought her a Lush present, and one of the bath bombs which was in it was this. After she had tried them all this one was her total favourite...which I guess is a perfect reason to buy it and try it out. I decided to read the description on the website first, as I do with pretty much most of the products from Lush I buy. It stated the following; "Do you sometimes feel like you're on a different planet? Don't feel alien - retreat to the bathroom to float in your own personal space until you feel ready for touch down. Of course, if we were making an interstellar ballistic we had to put space dust in it (otherwise known as popping candy). So make sure you plunge your head underwater if you want t hear the full effects of the crackles and pops". Firstly, I cant believe I haven't yet thought of putting my head under the water to intensify the sound of the popping candy...something I'm definitely planning on trying very soon. Secondly doesn't it just sound really cool, granted its rather basic in comparison to some of the others, however I think thats what drew me to it. Also it smells like parma violets, which is such a pretty smell and also meant to be a "de-stressor", something which I really need at the moment with juggling work and university.
However I really need the following two, like ever so badly;
Crackersnap -
This is an online exclusive, however its taking me a while to decide weather to buy it or not, basically because the post and packaging costs nearly as much as the bath bomb it self. However, never the less it is nearly Christmas...and it is Limited Edition. The website says "This is just the kind of cracker you'll want to pull. A lemongrass and bergamot oil bath with all the trimmings, to get you ready for an all nighter. How to use; Run a perfect temperature bath, get in then pull your cracker. As the ballistic fizzes into your bathwater, put on the party hat, retrieve your joke from the water and rescue the bubble bar crocodile. Then do whatever you normally do at a party." Doesn't the description of this bath bomb just sound the most amazing thing ever.
Fizzbanger -
I saw this on an e-mail lush sent me recently. It looks really good in the pictures as I like the bath bombs which have loads of different colours within it, and this sounds like it could really suprise me...becoming one of my favourites. Lush described this by stating; "Release this fizzy dream of a bath and fall in love with its sweet fragrance. You won't be able to catch this, as it whirls around your bath spinning wheels of colour and froth with popping sound effects. When the performance is over, grab yourself a book to read whilst you soak in the lovely fragrance."
Do you like Lush, if so what are your favourite products?
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