Bobbi Brown Tinted Moisturizer (Oil Free)
A few months ago the blog world went mental for tinted moisturisers, something which I had never considered,
because being a false tan lover, I used false tan on my face and therefore had no need for a tinted moisturiser. However a lot of top bloggers had one as their holy grail product and therefore I wished to test one out myself.
There was a lot of talk about the Laura Mercier oil free tinted moisturiser, however when it tested it on my hand it was quite thick and hard to blend in, testing it against the Bobbi Brown one, I found the Bobbi Brown tinted moisturiser to be much more blend-able and easier to use. Thus I purchased my first ever tinted moisturiser.
The reason I chose to purchase the oil-free version was because I have quite oily skin, and throughout the day my t-zone becomes really rather shiny, therefore I try and purchase oil-free make up where possible especially moisturisers, foundations etc which I know is going to be on my skin for quite a long time.
Background information;
The idea behind a tinted moisturiser according to the Bobbi Brown website, is to be a light coverage, alternative for foundation for women who don't want as much coverage or who don't feel the need to wear foundation all the time. It also includes vitamins C and E, which protect the skin from free radical damage, while SPF 15 helps
prevent sun damage. Its designed to be light and refreshing, gliding on to the skin smoothly and blending easily, providing a hint
of coverage for soft, even and natural-looking skin.
My thoughts;
I love it. Its amazing. The best thing every.
Good Points =
- The consistency of the moisturiser is fantastic, even thought it feels like its going to be quite thick when it first come out of the tube, its actually unbelievably light on the skin.

- There is no smell to it at all really, however smell isn't something which doesn't really bother me with make up products as long as its good.
- It makes my skin look radiant and healthy, something which is really important when I'm not planning on wearing any foundation because my skin has a tendency of looking rather dull due to stress or lack of sleep the following night. It also really really soft and overall more healthy since i started using it in a morning.
- There are a rather OK range of shades available and lucky enough i found one which suited my skin exactly (which is the shade light), however they seem to be really quite dark in general, therefore if your really pale I think you would have trouble finding a shade which suites you perfectly.
- Something which I find is fantastic about this tinted moisturiser is that it blends so easily, and a little really does go a long way. You only need a pea size amount for your whole face, maybe a little more if your wanting to provide a bit more of a coverage, which can be easily achieved using this product. I've has my bottle for about 2 months many more, and its still got loads left and I use it everyday.
- I also sometimes use this product as a base coat for my foundation, and it fantastic, better then a primer in my opinion (and I've used many different primers in the past). I find it helps to make the application of foundation more flawless and even makes it last longer.
Bad Points =
- The only bad point about this product is that it doesn't really last all of the day, it maybe lasts 5/6 hours which is good for a tinted moisturiser I guess, which i would like it last all day, after this time the colour begins to fade. However it doesn't start going patchy, just fades naturally. I have also found that due to me having quite large pores (thanks mum) it sometimes settles in them, making them look even worse. However this isn't always an issue and can be easily solved using a bit of powder over my nose, cheeks and forehead.
Overall this is definitely a holy grail product for me, I'm so happy i bought it now. I use it instead of false tan on my face and its definitely helped my skin in a lot of ways, it looks much healthier, more radiant, and I have less breakouts then before.
Bobbi Brown SPF 15 Tinted Moisturizer Oil Free is available at all Bobbi Brown stockists and retails at £27, which I thought was a bit steep for a tinted moisturiser, however I definitely don't mind paying it now and will be repurchasing it again when my tubes done.
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